
大家好,我是SK2 衝刺班顧問 Chris。

禮拜一跟大家分享了用真實世界的閱讀,來擴展自己的Language use。還沒看的話,可以來閱讀一下喔。 傳送門:

為什麼這是個嚴重的錯誤呢? 因為考官閱讀作文的速度很快,如果考官閱讀時,還再花時間去思考這句話的主詞是誰,會導致他沒有辦法一看就懂,閱讀流暢度被打亂,也是會扣分的喔。因此,大家要小心句子關聯性不緊密的問題,我們來看一下的例子:
1. 代名詞用that/that
❌ Vague: Since I make a daily schedule, I do not have to stay up all night studying. "This" makes me save a lot of efforts.
⭕ Clearer: I do not have to stay up all night studying. This strategy saves me a lot of efforts. 用一個strategy 可以來指代前面那整句話的功能,非常清楚!
2. 代名詞用which
❌ Vague: The charity can use the donation to help other people in need, "which" can build up its reputation.
同學會說,這我google查到一堆用法是長這樣子阿,沒錯,這又是一個口語可以,寫作要盡量避免的用法了! 這裡,你一樣想指代的也是「一件事情」。我們用剛剛的公式:總結性的概括名詞。
1️⃣⭕ Clearer: The charity can use the donation to help other people in need, this kindness can build up its reputation. 直接用kindness來表達前面的行為。
2️⃣⭕ Clearer: The charity can use the donation to help other people in need, helping build up its reputation.
3. 代名詞用It
❌ Vague: People care about money, and "it" enables me to make more money by doing several jobs. 這裡的it就很明顯,不太知道要表達什麼? 那是因為同學把虛主詞的句型搞混了,缺了一個形容詞。
你可以記得一下這個公式:It is 形容詞 for 人 to + V
⭕ Clearer: People care about money, and it is effective for people to make more money by doing several jobs.
Chris 簡單說明一下虛主詞句型,其實原本是這樣來的:Making more money by doing several jobs is effective. 但是外國人覺得主詞太長了,會有頭重腳輕的現象,所以用it來指代主詞。意思便為:做什麼事情~很怎麼樣。

Until then