



這是一個非常有趣的現象。因為逐字閱讀的習慣,導致大部分的同學很想把所有單字讀進腦海,然而,在托福考試時間壓力之下,想要在18分鐘百分之百搞懂文章的知識原理,是有難度的。由於托福閱讀聽力內容是科普知識,並且是高度將之適量壓縮在一篇文章大約七百字,一個音檔大約6分鐘得訊息量。這樣的編排,讓托福的考題有個特色:段落、段 內訊息環環相扣。因此,同學需要掌握與以往不同的閱讀工具! 


Hellenistic monarchs gave their cities all the external trappings of a polis. Each had an assembly of citizens, a council to prepare legislation, and a boar d of magistrates to conduct the city’s political business. 

Yet, however similar to the Greek polis they appeared, these cities could not engage in diplomat icdealings, make treaties, pursue their own foreign policy, or wage their own wars. None could govern its own affairs without interference from the king, who, even if he stood in the background, was the real sovereign. In the eyes of the king, the cities were important parts of the kingdom, but the welfare of the whole kingdom came first. The cities had to follow royal orders, and the k ing often placed his own officials in the cities to see that his decrees were followed. 

同學讀完之後,過於著重在細節的同學,可能會讀到「公民議會?地方法官要掌管政治事 務?什麼外交事務?」 如果你常常會有現在細節的漩渦裡面的感覺,就代表你閱讀的習慣會讀太細。有這樣的問題都是很正常的。


以下,幫大家總 結三個Skim非常重要的心法: 

1. 抓Main:思考只用一句話或一個字的話,這個段落在表達什麼? 整個段落我只會這樣讀而已: 看完整個段落,我會先去思考一個段落的「主題和態度」:希臘君主統治:雖有城邦形式,但沒有自治權力 英文版我只會記:The H monarchs: polis, but the cities X engage in diplomacy 這樣的濃縮資訊的過程就是Skim的關鍵秘密,因為我讓訊息變得非常精簡,就可以輕易看 穿段落最重要的地方。並且可以幫助你節省很多時間,更重要的是,他可以幫你考高分! 

2. 忽略Detail:同學會發現,腦袋抓到Main之後,以下的Detail全部在「圍繞」著Mai n (一個段落最重要的事),因此,你只要輕鬆讀,甚至讀得很快也沒關係。 
These cities could not engage in diplomatic dealings, make treaties, pursue th eir own foreign policy, or wage their own wars. The cities had to follow royal orders, and the king often placed his own officials in the cities to see that his decrees were followed. 。 

3. 找到訊息的連結大於讀懂知識原理: 如果每個字都讀的同學,很有可能抓不到這個段落的重點,甚至會有種「邊讀邊發散」的感覺。除非同學想變成背景知識小達人,邊享受這些科普知識,讀懂知識原理或許對你很 有幫助,但也要提醒你小心越讀越發散,如此很難在短時間內作答完畢、得到高分喔! 


1. Chris 總結題破解:使用架構式筆記練總結題 

2. Rosa 閱讀滿分的關鍵祕密 Part 3:學會抓架構 請點我